Safety Products

Contact SignalONE Safety

Corporate Headquarters:
Atlanta, Georgia, USA



Vocal Smoke Alarm Technology


"When we used the KidSmart® Vocal Smoke Alarm, and immediately my kids responded to it, I just felt so relieved and so grateful because I knew that now they would be safe."
Boston, Massachusetts

Following years of study and research, and hundreds of prototypes, tests and investigations, SignalONE Safety has introduced the Vocal Smoke Alarm family of products. From the KidSmart® VSA, which is specifically designed with the safety of your child in mind, to the SignalONE™ VSA line of products for other areas of your home, our vocal technology has been proven overwhelmingly effective at alerting individuals of a hazardous situation where traditional devices fail to elicit a quick response.

Featured by news stations across the globe, the benefits of our “familiar voice” smoke alarms can help keep your family safe and put you at ease.


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About Our Company

The safety and wellbeing of your family is the driving force behind the innovative direction of SignalONE Safety, Inc. Our mission is to create innovative, value add products that help to alleviate your concerns about providing a safe and hazard free environment for your family. Through comprehensive research and creative thinking, we provide you with the inventive and pioneering products that keep your loved ones safe.

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